ZF English

Aerostar Bacau to fix Boeing 737

18.04.2003, 00:00 6

Aerostar Bacau will perform maintenance works and repairs for Boeing 737 aircraft as of September, under the company's first external contract for civil aviation. "We already have firm contracts for 5 planes. We will work for small companies, which own such aircraft and cannot handle the repairs themselves," said Grigore Filip, the company's general manager. Aerostar signed a memo of understanding with Dutch company Fokker Aerostructures in March, with the two firms set to establish a company in Bacau, making aviation components and subassemblies. "The company can adjust to works for the civil aviation and this proves that it is prepared for competition. We shall see whether NATO accession involves Bacau. We have proposed the basics and they get to choose," said the National Defence minister Ioan Mircea Pascu. ZF


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