ZF English

Alro invests $5m in new production line

20.07.2005, 19:51 4

Aluminium producer Alro Slatina is to invest 5 million dollars (4.16 million euros) this year in purchasing an installation for casting heavy-alloy slabs. "Our strategic goal is to broaden the range of high added value products, and this new investment is an important step towards achieving that goal. Heavy-alloy slabs are a very important raw material to Alprom because they allow them to make finished products for the aeronautics industry, which is facing a significant shortage worldwide," explained Marian Nastase, vice-chairman of Alro''s board. The 2.9-million-dollar installation that casts heavy-allow slabs using Wagstaff technology is made up of equipment imported from the US. The company will also buy two 60-tonne furnaces to prepare the metal. Once the investment has been completed it is expected to produce an annual 100,000 tonnes of slabs, all of which will be processed by Alprom. Alro is the majority shareholder of the aluminium sheets, profiles and pipes maker, and Alprom is Alro''s main client. ZF

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