ZF English

Amigo targets 10% growth

28.10.2004, 00:00 11

Panfoods Romania, producer of Amigo instant coffee, is planning for a sales increase of 10%, having seen its turnover go up by 20% last year. "So far we have clearly exceeded last year's turnover. We have seen growth this year - not only for our business but also for the entire instant coffee market, which we estimate to have grown by more than 15% since last year," said Simon Borwell, Panfoods Romania's marketing and sales manager. He did not specify the value of the company's turnover in Romania but estimates point to it being in the region of $4 million. The 20% growth last year was mainly the result of improvements to the investment system. Panfoods Romania is a branch of the Brazilian coffee group Iguacu, a leading Brazilian instant coffee maker. ZF


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