ZF English

Baltika builds 20-store network

12.04.2007, 20:50 8

Estonian clothing retailer Baltika, which operates 118 stores in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland and Russia, intends to open stores in all large cities in Romania within the next four years. "In about three to four years, we will open Baltika stores in all major cities in Romania, which means the introduction of around 12-20 new stores. Currently, we are in negotiations with all the main shopping centre developers in the area," Jaan Jarv, development manager of Baltika Group, told ZIARUL FINANCIAR. The company representative did not specify the exact location of the stores, but mentioned that first store would be opened in Bucharest, most likely under the Monton brand. Baltika sells the clothing brands Monton, Mosaic, Baltman and Ivo Nikkolo. Out of these, only Monton and Mosaic will be introduced onto the local market. Mosaic is somewhat of a novelty for the market, in that it is a fast-fashion brand (collections change very quickly) offering 12 collections a year. Mosaic targets women, men and children as well, and provides both smart-casual clothing and articles for special occasions.

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