ZF English

Baneasa Investments starts negotiations for Obor mall

13.10.2006, 19:11 17

A consortium of companies, owned by businessmen Gabriel Popoviciu and Sorin Creteanu, will start negotiations to build a mall on the current location of Obor Market, a development estimated at some 117 million euros. Members of an evaluation committee disclosed that the consortium, which is composed of Baneasa Investments, Practic, Comnord and Procema, has submitted the best offer thus far. Another three companies competing with the consortium - ECE Projektmanagement, Obor Plaza and Anchor Grup, also submitted bids at the end of last month. "The value of the project remains at 117 million euros, but the royalties offered by the consortium comprising Baneasa Investments, Practic, Comnord and Procema were higher than those specified in the feasibility study," said Daniel Popescu, manager of the Market Administration of the 2nd District and member of the committee in charge of bid evaluation. The commission took into consideration the price proposed, the royalty offered to the district hall and the period of time it will take to recover the investment, which must not exceed 49 years.

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