ZF English

Bankers predict RON/euro exchange rate

11.08.2009, 16:31 8

Early this year, in the midst of pessimistic economic forecasts and following the recent experience of the RON’s October depreciation, many believed it would be difficult to keep the exchange rate from climbing towards 5 RON/euro in the first half of the year. However, none of the bankers polled by BUSINESS Magazin in January predicted an exchange rate of more than 4.50 RON/euro, while most even stopped at 4.30. In the end, reality proved bankers right, and history seems to repeat itself in the second half of the year; however, people with loans in euros still fear depreciation.

Most representatives of commercial banks who answered the questions asked by BUSINESS Magazin launched moderate forecasts for the second half of the year, starting from 4.1 RON/euro and going only as high as 4.50 RON/euro.

The factor that badly hurt the RON last year - the large balance of payments deficit has lost some of its impact due to the crisis, which reduced the economic activity and implicitly led to a slowdown in imports.



Read more about the bankers’ predictions on the RON/euro exchange rate in BUSINESS Magazin 

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