ZF English

Benvenuti set to expand by 6 stores this year

09.10.2007, 18:21 9

Benvenuti footwear store network, set up in 2004 by businessman Dan Pavel, will open six new stores this year, with the first two to be opened this week in Cluj and Iasi. "The large number of shopping centres opening in major cities has prompted us to invest in network expansion. By the end of the year we will reach 26 stores, and next year intend to open another ten," said Adrian Cazu, manager of the Benvenuti store network. The cities targeted by the footwear retailer are Iasi, Bacau, Arad, Deva, Constanta, Bucharest and Suceava. The budget allocated for opening an approximately 200 square-metre store stands at 60,000 euros, a sum on top of which stock-in-trade is added, worth around 150,000 euros. The Benvenuti store network registered 35% higher sales in the first half of this year, against the same time last year, to 9.45 million euros, the same as in the whole of 2006. "Opening the stores and educating our customers have played a significant role in the development of the business. A lot of customers are giving up cheap products and are starting to look for better quality articles," added Cazu.

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