ZF English

Best business opportunities found in fields untouched by multinationals

10.11.2005, 19:24 7

Wellness, health, entertainment, education, tourism, as well as business-to-business and IT services are the domains where start-ups can best develop in the future, according to a survey conducted by the Gemisa Cypriot investment fund, mainly looking at fledgling businesses.

"Each year, Romania sees between 30,000-50,000 new companies emerge, but most of them cannot make it past the first year," said Dragos Rosca, general manager of Gemisa, during the conference entitled ?"What business should one start now?'', organised as part of Biz Days.

He explained that most firms collapse because they do not clearly establish their targets, because of a lack of managerial skills, and, though most of them have good ideas, there is a shortage of good managers. There is also a lack of resources that help new firms survive the first few months when negative cash flows are usually registered.

"All entrepreneurs should approach domains where multinationals are not the dominant force". He added that one of these domains is the so-called wellness domain, and a hairdresser''s, a spa or a fitness centre are among the opportunities that could be best exploited.

Another domain where business can flourish is the health sector. Amid the poor functioning of the public system, private clinics and hospitals are increasingly sought out, since they provide an alternative to the inefficient services of state-owned hospitals.

Given that state education is also going through a difficult period, this sector is also among the most promising domains at present. Thus, consultants believe kindergartens, private schools and camps to be real sources of profit.

Tourism is also rich in opportunities, as long as entrepreneurs are not trying to enter the luxury services market, a sector already covered by the big names on the market. "We are not fully acquainted with this domain, considering that four or five-star hotel businesses started by Romanian entrepreneurs have failed," explained Rosca.

In these circumstances, he says that the best businesses can also be developed through agrotourism, if full use is made of local cultures and traditions.

Thus, areas such as Maramures, Bucovina, and generally mountainous areas, are the most promising as regards starting up a business.

Another prolific domain regards all aspects of the business-to-business sector: counselling, training and recruitment, facility management and environmental protection.

Gemisa representative also said that niche industries and trade could prove highly profitable: a home decor shop could be a simple, but inspired, business idea. liviu.alexandrescu@zf.ro

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