ZF English

CDR-2000 supports Isarescu

11.08.2000, 00:00 12

PN?CD (Peasants' Party) leaders announced that parties within CDR-2000 this very week would start a campaign in order to collect 300,000 signatures supporting Mugur Isarescu as a candidate for the presidentials and added that they offered the current Premier "the entire logistic support" he might need in the electoral competition.

PN?CD prime vice-president on Monday announced, after a four-hour meeting of the National Leading Bureau, that a large support was expected from academic, literary and financial personalities, as well as from trade union leaders. "A large supporting force must be created," he said.

Moreover, PN?CD representatives are discussing with UDMR (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians from Romania) leaders the possibility that they give up promoting their own candidate for the presidential elections. However, Marko Bela, the president of the Union, told Hungarian press agency MTI that "the political situation of Romania, the weakness of right-wing forces and the split of the political stage" make the Magyars bet on their own representative in the race for Cotroceni.

"If there were a sole candidate, a real competitor for Ion Iliescu, who could defeat him in the first round, UDMR would be willing to support such a candidate," Marko Bela said.

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