ZF English

Creativity springs from lack of hot water

20.06.2003, 00:00 5

The traditional annual maintenance shutdown of the heating network is no joy for the inhabitants of the big cities, yet some have thought to turn it into an opportunity.

Procter & Gamble, for instance, early this month launched an advertising campaign for the Fairy dishwashing detergent, which precisely relies on the lack of hot water. The company hopes to boost sales by positioning its product as one adapted to all sorts of "cruelties" from RADET (the Regie Autonome in charge of heating and hot water). Devised as "Fairy works wonders in cold water, too," the campaign is carried out in form of a commercial on TV, leaflets, a radio campaign in Bucharest and in the top ten largest cities in the country, as well as posters in bus stops.

The P&G representative in Romania, Camelia Sur, says the idea popped up amid "RADET's maintenance shutdowns, already traditional in the big cities."

As in other cases, P&G's new campaign is just a way a multinational adjusts to the specific of the market where it operates.

"The commercials made abroad must address basic needs, especially when it comes to consumer goods, because the white a Romanian wants is no different from the white a Chinese wants, say, from detergents. The messages are about the same: cleanliness and price. The moment they want to stand out, the companies have to adjust the message to a particular situation," commented Anca Ioan, senior partner Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. She added this was a situation she did not believe other competitors would echo.



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