ZF English

Delhaize takes over Mega Image chain

30.08.2004, 00:00 11

Delhaize Nederland BV has increased by 30% its interest in the Mega Image store network, from 70% to 100%, after taking over the stakes of four individual shareholders, an operation that was finalised at the end of June. Mega Image was established in 1994 by Greek investors, mainly operating within the retail domain by supermarket-type specialised stores. The first store was opened in 1995. By the end of 2000, the number of stores had reached ten and the network had drawn the attention of Delhaize Belgian group. In May 2000, Delhaize acquired from the Greeks a 51% stake in Mega Image and subsequently increased its interest to 70%. The current number of Mega Image stores stands at 16 units, 14 of which are based in Bucharest and the rest in Constanta and Ploiesti. ZF


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