ZF English

Diverta expands to Spain and Israel

31.03.2006, 00:00 9

The Diverta network, part of the RTC group, owned by businessman Octavian Radu, will expand to the Spanish and Israeli markets. "Our expansion to Spain and Israel is just an idea so far. Maybe not this year, but we are seriously considering putting it into practice in 2007," stated Dan Rosu, vice-chairman of Diverta. He specified that Diverta would target Romanian communities abroad. "We are focusing on large Romanian communities abroad because we sell books in Romanian. We already address these communities through dol.ro, but we are at an early stage," Rosu added. Last year, the Diverta network of stores began expanding at a regional level, by acquiring the biggest Romanian books distribution network in Moldova. "We want to open seven new stores in Moldova. Three or four of them will be opened in Chisinau. We already have 17 stores in Moldova," Rosu added. Investments that Diverta will conduct this year stand at some 3 million euros. "We have 90 stores in Romania. We plan on investing in 25 new stores in Romania, with some of them being older stores relocated to more suitable locations for new concepts," the Diverta official said. ZF

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