ZF English

Flamingo Computers not tempted by MCTI

29.05.2001, 00:00 20

Flamingo Computers will not directly participate in the tenders held by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology for running the Romanian society's computerisation projects.

The company, however, is determined to provide technical and financial support to its partners that might want to be part of this process.

"Flamingo Computers does not directly participate in bids or major contracts, as it aims to provide technical, financial and commercial support for its partners, either dealers or resellers," Marius Ghenea, Flamingo Computers SA chairman of the Board and one of the group founders, told Ziarul Financiar.

According to the head of Flamingo Computers, the golden rule for such tenders is drafting a regulation and making it as simple and as clear as possible, to avoid controversies over the contract winner.

"It is obvious that the companies losing a major contract will do everything possible, under the law, at least, to turn the tables in their favour. Under the circumstances, an intricate regulation only makes it extremely difficult to solve such a challenge, casting an undeserved shadow, perhaps, upon the image of the contract winner," Ghenea explains.

Last year, the consortium comprised of Compaq Computer Romania SRL and Siemens Business Services Gmbh&Co won a tender for computerising the medical infrastructure in Arges, Mures and Sibiu Counties.

The selection of the winners was fiercely challenged by the Romanian branches of Bull, IBM, ICL and Hewlett-Packard.

Marius Ghenea feels that the bid selection for the companies participating in tenders should be completely transparent, adding that "they should even operate a positive discrimination to help local players, wherever necessary."

Contradicting an opinion certain IT&C analysts expressed this month, Marius Ghenea says that "we cannot be talking about the computerisation process in Romania being frozen, as long as the annual growth rates in the IT industry are still expressed in two figures.

On the other hand, we may be talking about us lagging behind other countries, due to an extremely backward starting point in terms of IT infrastructure in Romania.

At the same time, we may be talking about a certain reluctance of the decision-makers in the governmental and state sector and even in the private businesses to adjust to the new requirements of the market economy.

It is these attitudes that generated the feeling of the computerisation process being frozen," Ghenea concluded.

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