ZF English

Genesys: Software solutions and services make up 45% of turnover

05.11.2007, 19:45 9

Romanian IT&C group Genesys estimates an over 40 million-dollar (27.8 million-euro) turnover this year, up 33% against the 30 million dollars (20.8 million euros) witnessed in 2008. "Nine months into the year, the aggregate turnovers of Genesys Systems and Genesys Distributie (Genesys Distribution) met the total level registered in 2006 (30 million dollars, i.e.)," Sorin Baltag, executive manager of Genesys, told ZF. He added that the company's target for 2008 is to surpass the 50 million-dollar (34.7 million-euro) mark, after which Genesys will consider floatation on the stock exchange. Since 2006, the Genesys group includes three companies - Genesys Systems, specialised in software solutions and services, Genesys Distributie Romania and Genesys Distribution ODD Bulgaria. Baltag specified that Genesys Systems generated around 45% of the group's business, while the distribution division accounted for the rest. He is preparing to launch a fourth company - One Net Services - which will be dedicated to web portals and applications (even social networking platforms), but he does not expect it to generate a significant percentage of Genesys' business before 2009.

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