ZF English

GSK expects growth to be on schedule

13.09.2004, 00:00 5

GlaxoSmithKline, the leader of the pharmaceutical market, logged $70 million turnover in the first half of this year, in line with the targets initially set. "We expect growth by about 10% for the entire year, in line with the development of the market, to $140-150 million," Roberto Musneci, the group's vice-president and manager for SE Europe told Ziarul Financiar during the Forum Invest economic summit "Competitive Business Relationships in the New Europe," held in London and organised by Forum Invest. The Romanian drugs market, estimated at some 800 million euros per year, could grow by about 7% in 2004, "that is a lower growth rate as compared to the previous years, given the tighter control within the healthcare system and the higher focus companies have placed on a better financial visibility," commented Musneci, who also runs GSK Romania. ZF


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