ZF English

GSK looking to export to CIS members

26.04.2004, 00:00 6

Drug factory Europharm Brasov, held by international producer GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will begin exporting to the markets of the former Commonwealth of Independent States, Roberto Musneci, GSK Romania general manager stated. "The exports of the factory in Brasov account for very little in the total, they have been more like tests actually, but we are to establish the logistics structures first and then focus on this direction," Musneci added. The goal is part of a strategic repositioning of the company, the first stage of which, the distribution division modernisation, has been completed. "The next step after Europharm Distributie (Distribution) will be completing the modernisation of the 33 drugstores across the country and of the facility in Brasov," Musneci said. To that end, GSK Romania has recently increased its share capital by $47 million, $20 million of which went to Europharm. GSK operates in Romania through three main divisions: GSK Romania (which imports and sells original GSK products), Europharm Brasov (generic drugs factory acquired in two stages between 1998 and 2003) and Europharm Distributie - the factory's distribution division. ZF


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