ZF English

GSK sells Romanian drugstore unit

19.12.2005, 18:57 11

GlaxoSmithKline pharmaceutical company, the leader of the Romanian market intends to sell its pharmaceutical distribution division, Europharm Distribution, sources on the market say. The decision comes as a result of the fact that distribution and retail activities are not a priority for the British GSK group, the sources add. The company had previously negotiated with the local A&D Pharma Group, which comprises the Sensiblu drugstores and Mediplus distributor to sell its Europharm-branded pharmacies but the deal has been put on hold for the moment due to the provisions of the pharmacy law draft. According to information on the market, GSK is in talks with the Phoenix Group (one of the top two drug distributors in Europe) in London over the sale of its distribution business. Both GSK and Phoenix representatives denied such talks. "Phoenix has no expansion plans for Romania," said Janine Knab, the head of the Corporate Communications department of Phoenix. ZF

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