ZF English

Industry and trade revenues on the rise

19.01.2004, 00:00 5

The companies dealing in industry saw 5% turnover growth in the first eleven months of last year in real terms, compared with the same time in 2002. The data supplied by the National Statistics Institute (INS) show the industrial output throughout January-November 2003 rose 3% in absolute volume and 3.2% in comparable conditions, mainly because of the positive developments in the processing industry. The processing sector went up 3.9% in comparable conditions in terms of number of working days, from the same time in 2002. The increase in absolute volume was 3.6%. At the same time, the energy industry increased 1.7%, both in absolute volume and in terms of number of working days. INS also announced that the companies dealing in retail witnessed 4.7% higher turnover in the first ten months of 2003 compared with the corresponding period of 2002. Non-foodstuffs (clothing, furniture, home appliances) sales went up 7.2% from 2002, while the companies specialising in car and motorbike maintenance and repair services, as well as those selling car fuels saw revenues up 14.3%. ZF


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