ZF English

ING Asigurari also to target low-income groups

01.10.2004, 00:00 12

ING Asigurari plans to focus more on low-income groups and on its simpler, protective life insurance products in order to expand its market share. This is what Bram Boon, the new manager of the company said on Wednesday.

Boon will soon take over the reigns from Violeta Ciurel, who has filled this position for the last five years and is soon to leave for Amsterdam to work at the corporation's headquarters. She will become general manager for global pensions with the ING Group.

"The challenge for us will be to expand the target market. I believe we should pay more attention to the lower income segment, and the expansion of the ING network of offices will help us towards this goal," explained Boon.

ING Asigurari, formerly known as ING Nederlanden, was previously seen as an insurance company for medium and high-income groups.

Boon further explained that the company would focus on its protective products, the "simple" life insurance or mixed life insurance. "I believe these are just the products the market needs," he said.

ING has for some time been a promoter of the latest products on the Romanian market, and was the first in the industry to sell unit-linked life insurance products. This type of insurance gives policyholders more flexibility, but also transfers the risk to them.

Dutch-born Bram Boon, 48, worked previously as sales manager for the same company and has over 20 years' experience in the field. He has also worked for the ING's Dutch and Indonesian branches.


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