ZF English

Mega Image targets a 50-supermarket network in Bucharest

10.07.2007, 19:32 7

The Mega Image supermarket network, operating primarily on the Bucharest market, is targeting another 33 openings in the Capital within the next three years. "We are concentrating on the Bucharest market and want to open five stores next year. In 2010, we want to have 50 supermarkets in Bucharest," stated John Kyritsis, general manager of Mega Image Romania. The average investment in a Mega Image supermarket stands at one million euros. Kyritsis specified that, as of 2009, the company may look more seriously at the markets of Constanta and Ploiesti, where the network currently has 3 stores. "We could surely find land much more readily at lower prices, in smaller cities, but we are concentrating on the Capital because here is where the biggest purchasing power is," explained Kyritsis. The company usually uses rented areas, due to the lack of available land in the targeted areas.

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