ZF English

New and old bosses at ARB

20.04.2006, 00:00 4

Radu Ghetea, the first vice-president of Alpha Bank, yesterday secured a new three-year term as the Romanian Banking Association (ARB) chairman. He ran against Mihai Bogza, Bancpost chairman, and defeated him 24 to 15 votes. The position of first vice-chairman of the ARB went to Nicolae Danila, the executive president of BCR, nominated by Misu Negritoiu, deputy chief executive of ING Bank. Danila was unanimously voted by all the association members. BCR, the largest bank on the market is thus becoming part of ARB''s Board of Directors after a long time when its representatives have been merely guests during the talks of the Association with the NBR or with other authorities. "Nicolae Danila is welcome at the helm of ARB. BCR could no longer be omitted from the Board of Directors in terms of representation, because you cannot talk with the authorities without taking BCR''s opinion into account," Radu Ghetea told ZIARUL FINANCIAR. "We want to breathe new life into the Associations'' operations and there are a number of propositions for things to do this year. The choice the banking community made honours me and at the same time publicly confirms the team at BCR deserves credit for its part in the development of the banking system," Nicolae Danila stated. He adds that joint efforts are needed for the continued growth of the financial markets, the development of the banking culture and for an improvement in transparency.

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