ZF English

Nokia confirms investment in Cluj

28.03.2007, 19:33 5

Nokia, the biggest global producer of mobile phones, will start construction work on a mobile phone factory and a research centre located near Cluj. A memorandum on the partnership between the Cluj County Council and Finnish company Nokia, to open a mobile phone plant and a research centre, an investment estimated at 200 million euros, was signed on Monday at the Government headquarters, in the presence of Prime Minister Calin Popescu Tariceanu. The document was signed by the chairman of the Cluj City Council, Marius Nicoara, and by Raimo Puntala, vice-president of Nokia. The investment will target Industrial Park Tetarom III in Jucu, Cluj county. According to Nokia, the value of the investment will stand at 60 million euros, with the new plant to start production midway through next year. The general manager of Cluj-Napoca-based Tetrarom, Viorel Gavrea, said Nokia will use the 60 million-euro investment to build the mobile phone factory, a project which will also see the contribution of around ten other component suppliers, who will add their share to the investment, valued at a total 200 million

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