ZF English

Over 7bn RON in transactions through www.e-licitatie.ro this year

22.08.2007, 18:44 8

The value of contracts sealed between January 1 and August 20, 2007 through the Electronic System for Public Acquisitions (SEAP) amounted to 7.148bn RON (2.17bn euros), according to the National Communications and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (ANRCTI). Through SEAP, available at www.e-licitatie.ro since March 2002, registered public institutions organise procedures related to the granting of public acquisition contracts via electronic means, which are available to any economic operator. Since January 1, 2007, the 8,166 contracting institutions registered with SEAP have published 106,134 announcements and participation invitations related to public acquisition procedures, of which 6,028 are announcements published in the Official Journal of the EU.

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