ZF English

Overdue individual loans reach 157 million euros

27.03.2008, 20:11 11

The increase in overdue payments by individuals for bank loans slowed down in January for the second month in a row, after the annualised rate fell to 98%, while the total volume of loans increased by 84%. Individuals had accumulated 582 million RON (a little more than 157 million euros) in overdue loans at the end of January, NBR data reveals. Overdue payments on loans went up by just 1.6% in January, after the level stagnated in December. However, the volume of overdue loans went up by almost 15% in November. After two months of moderate growth, the annualised overdue loan growth rate fell 98% to the lowest level since October. Last summer, growth peaked at 119%, and reached 113% in November. However, it would not be accurate to compare data on the annualised trend, given that the NBR has been using information on individuals' overdue loans supplied by the Credit Bureau, the institution created by commercial banks, to manage such data. The number of clients with overdue loans for more than 30 days jumped by 4% in January to 366,154 people, after a period of relative stability between October and December.

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