ZF English

Peugeot promotes itself on radio and the Internet

15.03.2009, 16:42 8

Trust Motors, Peugeot importer on the Romanian market, will cut its promotional budget this year and focus more on online campaigns to the detriment of TV advertising. "Promotional costs will go down for everybody. Currently, the product is no longer the car, it's the financing instrument. Trust Motors will have a larger share of its budget dedicated to Internet and radio promotion. It's no good that a car's price is cut if one doesn't also provide a funding solution," said Radu Cristian, marketing manager of Trust Motors, who is also general manager of MyCar, the operational leasing division of Trust Motors. In 2008, Peugeot sales on the Romanian market fell almost 27% on the car segment, to 9,555 units, and by 15% in the case of light utility vehicles, to 2,708 units, while the market fell by 12% in 2008, according to statistics of the Automotive Manufacturers and Importers Association (APIA). "The automotive market is currently not in crisis, but in a process of adjustment. Those who expect a fast rebound are daydreaming. Banks no longer have liquidity and pay high interest rates on deposits. Since they lack money, the banks cannot provide credits and cannot re-launch their activity," added Radu Cristian.


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