ZF English

Radu Tudorache: Google's man in Romania

30.03.2007, 19:46 19

Radu Tudorache, 31, former manager of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications (ANRC) has been appointed Romanian consultant for Google, the biggest worldwide Internet search engine. Radu Tudorache held one of the most important positions within the ANRC from 2002-2007, the post of economic regulation manager of the ANRC, the current National Authority for Communications and Information Technology. Tudorache has been a key person in ANRC's process of devising policies on interconnection fees charged by dominant domestic telephone operators. The new Google representative in Romania has a degree in Business Management, graduating from the Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in Bucharest. He also has an MBA degree from the National Conservatory of Arts and Trades in Paris, and is currently undergoing a doctorate programme in economy at the ASE in Bucharest. When contacted by ZF, Radu Tudorache did not wish to provide further details of his responsibilities at Google. "All I can say is I will try to identify the opportunities on the domestic market," he explained.

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