ZF English

Rewe rakes in sales of 450m euros

16.06.2005, 19:50 8

German group Rewe, which owns the Billa, Selgros and XXL Mega Discount stores in Romania, has reported sales of 450 million euros for last year. The year before, the respective turnover for the three members of the group in Romania had overshot 334 million euros, according to finance ministry data. From its 26 cash & carry stores, supermarkets and discounter stores, Rewe enjoyed sales last year that were its highest since entering the market in 1998. Having invested well over 200 million euros to date, the German group now makes profits from all its activities on the Romanian market. According to finance ministry data, Billa and XXL Mega Discount became profitable in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Selgros officials expected their network to cross the profitability threshold after having opened the seventh store last year. Selgros has reached a turnover of 250 million euros. Rewe is the second largest player in the Romanian retail sector after another German group, Metro. ZF

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