ZF English

Romanian cars on top again

18.11.2003, 00:00 19

Car sales in Romania amounted to nearly 110,000 units in the first nine months this year, up over 20% from last year, the statistics of the Association of Carmakers and Importers in Romania (APIA) show. The most interesting element was the trend of the two main market components: the Romanian-made cars and the imported ones. Ten months through the year, the sales of Romanian cars had gone up nearly 21% compared to the 19% import growth. This is the first time in the last few years when Romanian cars have managed to outrun imported cars in terms of growth. This trend is due to Solenza and Matiz, the best-selling models of the main Romanian producers, Dacia and Daewoo. Dacia has managed to overcome the discontinuation of the best-selling model on the Romanian market last year, Dacia SupeRNova, while Daewoo saw its highest sales since beginning production in Romania in 1996 this October, all thanks to its Matiz Economic model. ZF


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