ZF English

Romportmet net profits reach 3.7m euros

01.02.2005, 00:00 4

Harbour operator Romportmet Galati last year made preliminary net profits of 3.7 million euros, up 13.3% compared with 2003. Romportmet turned over 9.8 million euros in 2004, an increase of 20.6% on the previous year. sleadnedtThe company's total debts at the end of 2004 had reached 0.8 million euros, while receivables were worth 12.2 million euros. Romportmet is to be broken up into two separate companies: one will take over the manufacture of construction supplies, while the other will remain a harbour services provider. The harbour operator is controlled by American investment fund Broadhurst, which owns 78.2%. The construction supplies unit will merge with Elpreco Craiova, which also manufactures the same products and is also held by Broadhurst. Romportmet last year decided to tap into the construction supplies market, planning an approximately 3.4 million-euro investment in a production line. ZF


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