ZF English

Romstal Leasing, 114m-euro funding in 10 months

08.11.2006, 18:32 5

Romstal Leasing closed contracts worth 114.5 million euros in the first ten months of the year, a 90% increase against the same time last year. "In the first ten months we exceeded our objectives set for the whole year, which included boosting the value of contracts to reach 90 million euros," stated Ionut Chirila, marketing manager of Romstal Leasing. In October, the company granted funding worth 14.5 million euros, with the total number of contracts signed reaching 3,800. In the first three quarters of the year, the company posted a 12.6 million-euro turnover and a 2.42 million-euro net profit. In 2005, Romstal Leasing's turnover reached 40.7 million euros. The company anticipates an increase in the volume of loans in 2007, as a result of an increase in its funding activity and the launch of new products such as instant leasing, real estate leasing, leasing for individuals, as well as a development of the network of local offices, says Chirila.

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