ZF English

$20m mall in southern Bucharest

19.04.2004, 00:00 10

The first mall to be located in Bucharest's southern area will be opened this autumn, under a $20m investment, says Eduard Uzunov, general manager of real estate company Regatta, the exclusive promoter of this project.

Thus, after commercial centre projects have been opened or scheduled to be launched in the northern, western and eastern areas of Bucharest, the south region of the city, regarded as the poorest in terms of population revenues, will now host a similar project.

CityMall (the name of the new mall), is being built by Sirius Investitii company, part of a European group operating real estate projects in Prague, Budapest and London. "For the next ten years, we are interested to invest about $50 million annually in the Romanian market not only in the construction of some projects of the CityMall type, but also for the acquisition of some already rented buildings, which may prove a secure type of investment," says Amos Glazer, owner of CityMall and representative of Sirius Investitii.

The City Mall will spread on a built area of 31,300 square metres, while its net surface will stand at 15,000 square metres, including a ground floor and three stories.

By comparison, Bucuresti Mall, the first mall-type commercial complex built in Bucharest, lies on a total area of over 50,000 square metres, of which the net surface exceeds 26,000 square metres. Investments in Bucuresti Mall have exceeded 35 million dollars.

"Mall-type commercial complexes are favoured by 'service consumers', as well as by the main players on the retail market, as they are considered a modern and more efficient alternative to old-type stores. As a matter of fact, important players on various markets already have in view significant surfaces, planning to rent between 50 and 2,000 square metres," Uzunov added, without disclosing the names of the potential renters.

Placed at the crossroads between three main thoroughfares in Bucharest - Soseaua Oltenitei, Soseaua Giurgiului and Calea Serban Voda, the commercial complex will have, according to the Regatta official, 350 parking spots, and monthly rents will range between 35 and 50 euros/square metre.


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