ZF English

Shocking increase in BCR loan prices

02.04.2008, 19:33 6

BCR, the largest bank on the market raised the interest of consumer and real estate loans in RON yesterday. The step covers those loans in RON whose interest rate is revised every six months granted to individual customers. The reference rate, to which a margin is added depending on the risk profile of each client, therefore went up to 12.25% for short-term RON loans and to 12.75% a year for medium and long-term loans. At the end of January interests on the other types of loans in RON and euros had gone up by 0.5%. BCR uses the decisions of NBR that increased the key rate on RON by 2.5% since last November as justification. BCR will not make loans in euros more expensive for the time being. Almost all banks have raised their interests on loans already granted, by as much as three percent in some cases, but many of them only notified their clients directly. Interests on loans in RON are therefore reverting to levels higher than those at the beginning of last year, and are substantially higher than those for loans in euros.

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