ZF English

UDMR reiterates Constitution revision idea

04.12.2001, 00:00 5

Representatives of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) re-launched the idea that the Constitution should be revised so as to withdraw the "national unitary state" phrase from the text of the fundamental law.

The idea was launched during a round table organised by "Horia Rusu" Foundation, a discussion also attended by the State Secretary within the Hungarian Foreign Affairs Ministry Nemeth Zsolt.

The head of UDMR hardliners Toro Tibor said that Magyars in Romania wanted the Romanian Constitution to include the Magyar identity, meaning that the fundamental Law should therefore be revised.

"Magyars do not find themselves as an identity in the current form of the Constitution," Toro said, adding that Magyars are Romanian citizens willing to fit in the Romanian community.

Senator Peter Eckstein, chairman of UDMR liberals, agreed that the Constitution should be revised. "We never have and never will agree with the Constitution's first article," the Senator said.

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