ZF English

Unilever expands to entire region

06.12.2004, 00:00 11

Anglo-Dutch consumer goods producer Unilever South Central Europe (USCE) has raised its share capital by 13.5 million dollars (11.2 million euros).

The capital injection will be followed by investments in all the seven markets of the region, with the bulk to be attracted by Romania, which is the largest market, as well as the regional centre of the company's activities.

"Funds are destined to the consolidation of activities and the promotion of food products and personal and home care products," stated Martina Kastler, USCE chairman.

Univeler investments targeting the Central and South-European region have so far reached over 125 million dollars, of which almost 90% accounts for investments poured in Romania. Unilever owns three plants on the Romanian market: a detergent plant in Ploiesti, a margarine plant in Targu-Mures and the Knorr business in Otopeni.

USCE in 2003 registered turnover standing at 138 million euros, 26% higher year-on-year and a slight loss. To this sum, Romania contributed 92 million euros. Unilever Romania profit reached 31 billion ROL (0.83 million euros) last year. The company has not released any financial results this year.

The share capital raise to 65.4 million dollars (54.5 million euros) was performed through a contribution in cash by the majority stakeholder, Dutch Marga BV company, owning 99.9% in stock of USCE.

According to the company's data, Unilever holds in Romania 68.1% of the market of condiments with its Knorr Delikat brand, 45% of the margarine market, with Delma and Rama brands and 11% in the soaps market, with its Dove soap. A significant increase in terms of sales was reported by food products, which accounted for 25% of total sales, as well as by personal and home care products, 22%.

The main rivals of Univeler are Procter & Gamble, Colgate Palmolive and Henkel.

Last year, in the wake of an international agreement with PepsiCo, another Unilever product, Lipton Ice Tea, started being manufactured on the domestic market by the licensed bottler of Pepsi, Quadrant Amroq Beverages (QAB). Subsequently, the two companies set up a joint venture for this product.

In February 2000, Unilever decided to manage its Central and South-European activities (in Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania and Serbia-Montenegro) from Bucharest, through a new company, Unilever South Central Europe.


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