ZF English

Work for the Bucharest-Brasov motorway to start soon

21.04.2006, 00:00 6

Work for five new road infrastructure projects, among which is the Bucharest-Brasov motorway, is due to start in two months'' time, with the licences for attribution of work contracts to be awarded immediately. The government approved decisions on the technical-economic indicators for the Bucharest-Brasov highway in its Wednesday meeting. The committee also approved other proposals such as, the continuation of construction on Bucharest''s ringroad, the building of a crossing over a railway, constructing a roundabout Cluj-Est and the resurfacing of the national road DN 2D - Focsani-Ojdula, reads a release from the Executive. The 36-day procedure will be applied for auctions for the attribution of construction work. The Bucharest-Brasov highway, 173.3 kilometres long, will have three lanes for each direction and a width ranging from 23.5 metres in rugged areas to 26 metres in flat ones. 14 car parking spaces for limited-duration parking and service spaces will be set up on both sides of the road. ZF

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