ZF English

160m-euro revenues for Mittal Steel Roman

01.11.2005, 19:50 4

Piping manufacturer Mittal Steel Roman (the former Petrotub) achieved a 159.6 million euro (577.6 million RON) turnover in the first nine months of the year, which is 26% higher than the entire 2004. Compared with the same time last year, the company''s sales were 82% higher. The significant sales growth made it possible to derive an about 8 million euro (29 million RON) net profit, against losses of 1.2 million euros (4.8 million RON) in the nine months ended September 30, 2004. Mittal Steel Roman makes steel pipes used in transporting petroleum and natural gases, as well in civil engineering. The plant''s production capacity stands at 500,000 tonnes of pipes a year. It employs some 3,100 people. ZF

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