ZF English

Credit Bureau monitors 70% of retail market

25.11.2004, 00:00 8

After three months of activity, the Credit Bureau is now monitoring around 70% of the retail banking market, with 16 of commercial banks filing reports under this system. The number of persons reported by partner banks during this period reached almost 80,000, while the volume of overdue loans came to over 10 million euros.

"At present, there are about 77,000 active accounts registered with the Credit Bureau, of which more than 55,000 have known delays in the repayment of loans. According to our data, the total volume of overdue loans has reached over 404 billion ROL (10 million euros), of which 265 billion ROL (6.6 million euros) related to consumer loans," explained Stefan Epure, general manager of the Bureau, at the "Consumer Credit" workshop organised by Finmedia.

According to Epure, the institution would in the near future be interested in working with non-banking entities, such as insurance, leasing or utility companies. "So far, two financial companies and one leasing firm have applied for membership to the Credit Bureau system. Their names will be made public shortly," Epure told Ziarul Financiar.

The institution has signed participation contracts with 21 banks, with the share of the monitored retail market due to reach 95% when all these banks start filing reports through this system.

Epure feels the number of consumer loans is continuing to grow, and the number of daily queries received from the banks part of this system is breaking new records every day. The highest overdue payment registered by an individual debtor was almost 90,000 euros, he added.


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