ZF English

Grawe seeks 5% profit growth

24.07.2003, 00:00 9

Grawe Romania Asigurare, a company specialising in life insurance, posted 38.3bn ROL (over 1m euro) premium-related revenues for the first half, 2.57 times up from the year-ago period, when they reached 14.9bn ROL. "Our company performed well in the first six months and, if the trend maintains, I estimate we'll attain 70bn ROL by yearend," said Peter Kasyk, general manager of Grawe Romania. Last year's revenues amounted to 42.6bn ROL, up from the 17.6bn ROL in 2001. Grawe Romania saw some 2.5bn ROL net profit, over against 263m ROL in 2001. "Our target for this year is a 5% profit increase in euros compared with last year," Kasyk said. ZF

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