ZF English

Both PSD and PNL-PD Alliance request to form the government

22.12.2004, 00:00 9

PSD yesterday asked during the consultations with President Traian Basescu held in view of appointing a Prime Minister, that it should be the party to form the Government. Adrian Nastase said on behalf of the PSD that he had the parliamentary majority, yet did not specify whether an agreement with PRM had been reached in this regard or not.

By the time the story was ready for print, consultations at Cotroceni (President's HQ) were still in progress, yet as far as the PNL (National Liberal Party) - PD (Democrat Party) Alliance was concerned, this bloc also seemed to request to form the government along with the UDMR (Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania). Emil Boc, PD's leader, announced the Alliance wanted a Calin Popescu Tariceanu-led Cabinet, before he went to Cotroceni.

The appointment of the Prime Minister is the constitutional prerogative of the President, and Traian Basescu had announced plans to put the liberal leader in charge of forming the government, even if the Alliance failed to secure the support of the parliamentary majority, mentioning early elections as a solution to this.

The first to be invited by Traian Basescu at Cotroceni were the PSD members, whose delegation did not include Romania's former President, Ion Iliescu.

"The PSD (Social Democrat Party) - PUR (Romanian Humanist Party) Union should have the first option for the appointment of a Premier candidate so as to attempt to form a government based on parliamentary majority," PSD leader Adrian Nastase stated.

The PSD leader said the party he was running was entitled to form the new government as it got the most votes during the parliamentary elections and had the support of most senators and deputies in the Parliament. As an argument to this, he referred to the vote for electing the chairmen of the Chamber of Deputies and of the Senate on Monday, with both positions won by PSD, due to support from PSD and PRM (Greater Romania Party) MPs.

Adrian Nastase, however, did not acknowledge any political agreement between his party and the party led by Corneliu Vadim Tudor, PRM.

PD leader Emil Boc criticised the PSD alliance with PRM formed just one day before the consultations saying it was actually about the fear of having a government that would bring prosperity.

"This PSD and PRM solidarity proves Romania does not understand what citizens' vote means, that the ruling forces are trying to stay in power at all costs. This is the rallying of anti-democratic forces against reforming the democratic systems," Boc said.

Another option to form the government would be, according to Adrian Nastase, a "large coalition". This is an older idea of former President Ion Iliescu, ruled out by the PNL-PD Alliance, though.

At the same time the PSD leader cared to underscore his reservations towards the investiture of a minority PNL-PD Alliance government. "A minority government of the Alliance would introduce political incertitude and a lack of economic performance."

PUR maintained its ambiguous position of the last few days, even after consultations with Traian Basescu. The PUR leader, Dan Voiculescu, said PUR would carefully consider the programme proposed by the Premier candidate and in case it matched the PUR programme it would vote in favour.


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