ZF English

Domo opens 30 more stores

02.02.2006, 21:01 6

Electronics and home appliance retailer Domo will open 30 more stores this year, five of which will each take up surface areas of some 2,000 square metres. The company currently operates 111 stores, a total surface area of 37,000 square metres. The increase in the number of stores will be part of the company''s new positioning, a process which started late last year and also entailed a rebranding process. Company representatives expect sales on the IT&C segment to see steady growth, but believe the largest revenues will continue to be generated by the electronic equipment and home appliance segment. The company opened its biggest store yesterday, covering some 1,800 square metres, following an investment of 300,000 euros. The electronic equipment and home appliance retailer had initially set as its target a turnover of 130 million euros in 2005, as compared to 100 million euros seen in 2004. Given poor sales from September to November, caused by new NBR regulations in the consumer credit field, officials estimated they would only reach the 120 million-euro mark, achievable in conjunction with aggressive promotional offers, which would affect profits. ZF

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