ZF English

Domo registered three times lower growth rate than forecast

10.11.2008, 19:22 5

Electronics & IT retailer Domo reported a 12% sales growth in the first nine months of the year to 137m euros, lower than the rate reported in the first half of the year, when the growth in euros amounted to 18%, compared with the first half of 2007. Domo, which forecast sales worth 270m euros at the beginning of the year (up 40% on 2007), achieved half of its target in the first nine months of the year. In fact, the company has in the course of 2008 adjusted this year's budget, with the retailer announcing a new, 240m-euro sales target three months ago. In order to reach this mark, Domo, which operates an around 125-store network, would have to post sales worth 103m euros in the last three months of the year.


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