ZF English

Ex-banker turns "bankers' restaurant" CEO

01.09.2006, 20:07 12

Mircea Frasineanu (37) was appointed chief executive of the Heritage restaurant, dubbed "the bankers' restaurant" as most of its founders are presidents and vice-presidents of some of the biggest banking institutions on the Romanian market. Frasineanu will get a monthly gross salary of 3,300 euros, according to the job ad put out by Heritage's owners a while ago. Frasineanu has
13 years' experience in the banking field, previously working for Raiffeisen Bank as a manager of the Bucharest branch and a project manager
for the distribution channels. He also held a position with the Chase Manhattan bank for four years, spent another two years working for Bankcoop and four years for UniCredit. Frasineanu thinks his appointment as manager of the restaurant is also the result of his having many of the shareholders among his acquaintances.

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