ZF English

Holzindustrie to double exports to US

12.01.2005, 00:00 8

The management of Sebes-based Holzindustrie Schweighofer has announced that its timber exports to the United States would double this year, after finally receiving the export license for this market after a five-month wait. While US sales accounted for only 7% of the total output of the Sebes factory for 2004, Holzindustrie Schweighofer is intending to export at least 15% of its output overseas. "America is the world's biggest importer of wood and one of the most important goals of the factory was to penetrate this market," Cosmin Capra, chief executive of the factory in Sebes, told ZF Transilvania. To meet the demand in the American construction sector and respect the contracts with Schweighofer's traditional clients, the factory in Sebes will rely on boosting production capacity by more than 80% through a 10 million-euro investment. ZF


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