ZF English

Lasselsberger lays foundations for growth

06.07.2004, 00:00 8

Less than three months after entering the market, Austria's Lasselsberger is already anticipating turnover of 50 million euros in Romania. Lasselsberger, one of the largest family businesses on the construction supplies market in Europe, bought two of the top three local producers, Sanex Cluj-Napoca and Mondial Lugoj. This placed it at the top of a market whose sales are believed to have reached around 110 million euros in 2003. "This year we hope to at least equal Sanex and Mondial Lugoj's turnover during the previous year, which means no less than 50 million euros. Imports from other Lasselsberger units will be insignificant. Our business organisation stage (in Romania) is set to be completed in 2004, enabling us to create the necessary synergies and attain 4%-5% growth in 2005. On the other hand, our development in 2005 will depend on what happens with Zalakeramia (owner of Bucharest producer Cesarom) in Hungary," Daniel Romeyer, executive with the Lasselsberger group told Ziarul Financiar. ZF


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