ZF English

Mediplus expects sales of 133m euros

12.10.2004, 00:00 6

The Pharmaceutical distributor Mediplus, which is part of the A&D Pharma Group, estimates sales of around 133 million euros by the end of the year, up more than 70% on last year. Mediplus made 57 million euros worth of sales in the first half of the year, almost 72% higher than for the first half of last year. The reason behind this growth is the investment made by the group in expanding its distribution network, said Dragos Dinu, A&D Pharma chief executive. Mediplus is currently investing around 5.5 million euros to open 11 new warehouses throughout the country. "We have opened 2 warehouses so far, in Sibiu and Galati, with a warehouse in Cluj scheduled for completion by the end of the month," Dinu said. ZF


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