ZF English

Murfatlar, above expectations in H1

Murfatlar, above expectations in H1
21.08.2006, 21:00 5

Murfatlar, one of the major players on the domestic wine market, reached turnover worth 20m euros in the first half of the year, up 50% on the corresponding period of 2005. The value is almost two and a half times bigger than the 20% growth target announced for the entire year. "We have witnessed impressive growth in terms of value amid the considerably higher demand for expensive wines, such as Trei Hectare," stated Daniel Negrescu, brand manager with Murfatlar. Turnover derived in the first six months accounts for 48% growth in terms of quantity compared with the similar period of last year and by 52% in terms of value. Owing to favourable weather conditions, the company managed a production of 23,000 tonnes of grapes, the company's officials say, considerably higher than the 18,000 tonnes production reported last year. In this context, Murfatlar will end the year with 16 million litres of wine, or 120 million 0.75-litre bottles. About 20% of the total production will be exported, with the US, Israel, Great Britain, Germany, Finland, Denmark and Japan as the most important markets. "Our exports grew only by a small percentage, but this happened as our policy has so far targeted consolidation on the domestic market and less on foreign markets. Since 2005, though, we have been attending international fairs, focusing on certain foreign markets," said Negrescu. In terms of distribution, the company has 7 exclusive distributors in all the major regions of the country.

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