ZF English

Murfatlar's fame draws new investors

10.03.2004, 00:00 13

Winemaker Vinex Cernavoda, one of the newest players in the Murfatlar vineyard last year sold $1 million's worth in bulk wine to foreign clients mainly. "We invested 300,000 euros in a bottling line and in buying vineyards last year and will invest 500,000 euros from a SAPARD fund in new equipment and the refurbishment of the wine cellar," says Iota Trantu, general manager and sole associate of Vinex Cernavoda. He says there is still room for new players on the wine market, though. "I believe the future on this market belongs to the small players that will have limited output and sell for higher prices," Trantu says. Vinex sells two wine assortments Pinot Gris and Sauvignon Blanc, bottled in 0.75l bottles, as well as through a system widely used in the European Union, the "bag in box". During the wines and spirits fair held in DA1sseldorf two weeks ago, Murfatlar was a widely mentioned name by visitors, which largely explains why other domestic winemakers chose to bring wines originating from Murfatlar to the event in Germany. Besides Vie Vin Murfatlar that displayed Murfatlar wines, the other three players doing the same were Fruvimed Medgidia, Karom Drinks and Vinex Cernavoda. Vinex Cernavoda was built on the remnants of the former IAS (state farm) Cernavoda bought by Trantu (a former employee) three years ago. ZF


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