ZF English

Murfatlar: we''re keeping the 20% pace this year

16.02.2006, 20:57 11

Murfatlar Romania, one of the leading players on the domestic wine market estimates 20% growth in turnover for this year, to 36 million dollars (30 million euros). The company intends to maintain the same rate of growth as last year, when it posted 30 million-dollar (25 million euros) turnover, 20% higher compared with 2004.

"Until recently, we focused on consolidating our position in the domestic market. Now that this goal has been reached, more of our efforts will go to exports and to the development of this sector," says Radu Morar, the company''s marketing manager.

Exports account for 15-20% of Murfatlar''s turnover, and its main export destinations are the USA, the UK, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Israel and Japan.

"We intend to cross the traditional ethnic market borders, and tap into the rest of the market sectors, such as those of the young, dry, modern wines. The new markets targeted are China and Russia," Morar explained.

Murfatlar officials say that consumption of bottled wine in Romania is very low, some 3 litres per capita, compared with 60 litres per capita in countries like France or Italy.

"We need to develop a wider rate of consumption to boost the market. We will launch new products this year and focus on the premium and super premium brands in our portfolio," stated Daniel Negrescu, Murfatlar''s brand manager. Negrescu added Murfatlar was to launch the Conu Alecu brand on the retail market, as well, where it will get significant support.

Murfatlar''s premiums brands are Sec de Murfatlar and Rai de Murfatlar, while its super premium brands are Trei Hectare, Ferma Noua and Lacrima lui Ovidiu.

The first promotional campaign of the company, which involved Sec de Murfatlar had a rate-card budget of 1.5 million dollars (1.2 million euros), last year''s gross media promotional budget amounted to 5 million euros, in addition to the 1 million euros allocated to BTL advertising. dana.ciriperu@zf.ro

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