ZF English

NBR starts bank inspections to see how Basel II regulations are met

27.07.2007, 19:38 11

In September, the National Bank of Romania will conduct inspections in all banks, which operate as Romanian legal entities in order to see if the requirements of the Basel II accord, on adjusting the capital based on risks, which will become mandatory as of January 1, 2008, are being implemented correctly. In addition, the banks have until November 26 to conduct tests on the necessary capital, based on the financial accounting data registered on September 30. The results of the tests must be sent to the Supervision Division of the NBR. The National Bank requires all banks to report the date when they intend to implement Basel II, on the approach chosen to manage the credit risk and the operational risk. The central bank is also interested in how each bank views the current performance of its IT system, in terms of its ability to cope with the chosen risk approach.

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