ZF English

Producer of Heidi chocolate exports to Arab countries

20.06.2007, 18:32 17

Heidi Chocolats Suisse, the producer of Heidi chocolate, estimates a business increase of 35% this year against 2006, to 18.2 million Swiss francs (almost 11 million euros) and plans to increase exports on its new markets. "Romania's entry into the EU allowed us to tap into new foreign markets, such as those of Arab countries, where the consumers are prosperous and demand premium products," stated Nikos Anyfantis, marketing&trade marketing manager with Heidi Chocolats Suisse. The cholocate factory that the company owns in Bucharest exports over 10% of its production to countries in the European Union and beyond. Heidi increased its sales on the local market by around 30% in the first 5 months of the year, compared with the same time in 2006. Last year, the company saw sales worth 13.5 million Swiss francs (approximately 8.6 million euros) on the Romanian market, up by around 26% against 2005, after it repositioned itself on the superpremium segment. "We want to set ourselves apart from the rest of our competitors, by launching superpremium products (...)," specified Anyfantis.

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